Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 211- Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 211:

Someone I knew once wrote something
about a "frantic undoing" and
I think about that
a lot

This is the story of my life:

It's not a love story,
and it's not a sad story;
it's a story of things that happen,
one thing after another,

just things,
one after another.

..."and I think we all spend some time
contemplating the glass"


mowzie said...

Didn't you already post this?

Chris said...

I posted this on Facebook the same night.

mowzie said...

I could've sworn it was already posted here like months ago! I am crackhead

mowzie said...

I was confusing it with the post from May 17th- looking back through your archives really impressed me! Have you done that yet? You have amassed quite the portfolio.