Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 173- Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 173:



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 172- Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 172:

Well, it's been a pretty good weekend, I must say.

Tomorrow I'll be at Humber shooting the Day 1 of Orientation. It's amazing that a year ago, I was attending my orientation. I don't even know where the time has gone.

That being said, I need to get to bed so I'm up nice and early.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 171- Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 171:

I liked the shot from yesterday so I figured I'd keep that theme going.
I also like the word "canopy". Maybe I could do a series of forest canopy photographs one day.


It's been a good day. I babysat my 9 month old nephew for a few hours this evening, and it means a lot to be trusted to do something like that... even after all the threats of punk haircuts and mohawkery.

I'm pretty tuckered though; goodnight friends.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 170- Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 170:

Humber Arboretum.

It's late, I'm totally bushed. It's been a good night.

Love you all.

Sleep well

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 169- Thursday, August 27 2009

Day 169:

First of all, thank you Lucas Allen - huge props to you my friend.

I was in the arboretum after work today doing some more photos for Humber when Lucas (a co-worker of mine) came walking through with his parents. At the time, I was waiting for some birds to come back to play in a small ornamental stream in the Garden of the Rising Moon. Lucas shouted over that I should come see a couple of dragonflies mating. I told him 'no thanks, I'm good where I am', and then a moment later, he insisted, "Dude, they're not mating, one is eating the other one!"

So, I decided it might be worth a look. As you can see, it really was. I'm pretty darned happy with this, and have found further proof that the Sigma 105mm f2.8 macro I bought a few years ago was worth every penny.

By the way, I watched that dragonfly eat it's meal (the other dragonfly) from start to finish. gross!

So, enjoy.

I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 168- Wednesday, August 26 2009

Day 168:

Okay so I didn't get to the last of the Emilie series from the weekend. Instead though, I've got something from today. I took the morning off work to go over to shoot the motorcycle training on campus. It was a lot better than sailing; the ground I'm standing on doesn't pitch up and down while I'm shooting.

Anyways, today's been swell. Tomorrow shall be sweller. I'll try and get the last set of photos with Emilie posted but I have a feeling it might be a few days before I get to them.

Goodnight friends.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 167- Tuesday, August 25 2009

Day 167:

Chapter 2: Gutted Second Story Empty Shop or How I Learned to Love B&E

Again, I'll let these speak for themselves.



PS - Probably one more series of photos from this set tomorrow or the next day. And is it B&E if the door was ajar? Maybe just E?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 166- Monday, August 24 2009

Day 166:

Now back to Emilie.

Sweet damn. This is one of my favorite sets ever. It was so fun to shoot and I'm pretty in love with the environment. I wish I owned this space... I guess I'll have to settle for sneaking in. Too bad it'll be reno'd and occupied soon.

I've got more photos from this set coming - I'd actually really hoped to get them all put up tonight - but it's been pretty time intensive putting them together. These have to be perfect!

Also, I shot a bunch of film which I haven't got developed yet, so I'm really looking forward to that addition. I hope you're as stoked as I am!

Okay friends, well, I'm just gonna let the photos do the talking for tonight.

More from this set tomorrow hopefully!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 165- Sunday, August 23 2009

Day 165:

Project 365's second guest photographer!

Today's been a busy day. Em and I threw together a fabulous shoot this morning which I was hoping to share with you. However, it's a bit too much work to get done tonight, so I'm going to take a day or two to get it done properly. I hate sharing photos before they are ready. BOO!

So, seeing as you all get to see pictures of her so very often, I figured I'd share a few of Em's photos. I mean, this isn't anything fancy, just a shot from one of her vast collection of silly, fun cameras - and don't look down on the low-fi old stuff; sometimes you actually get wicked results. Anyways, this style of camera [Kodak 110] brings back very fond memories for me too as I had one or two when I was a kid. CHECK ME OUT! Remember those? Sigh...

So yeah, after struggling over choosing a photo of my own tonight, I decided it would be super righteous to share some of hers. It was super fun last weekend to bike in Brampton with my lovelies... YAY!

You can also check out more of Em's photos HERE!

Okay friends,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 164- Saturday, August 22 2009

Day 164:

So, the editing of film from last weekend has begun.

I'm happy that my colour shots from under the bridge/waterfall we biked to turned out, but I'm really heartbroken that my black and white film from the following day got messed up. I shot it in and on the way to Dundas square, and I used my 10-24 which somehow screwed up the film. My guess is that the exposure isn't what the meter says it will be because the lens isn't meant for manual cameras... or something. Anyways, a bunch of shots that I was incredibly stoked to get were all way underexposed... heartcrippling fail.

But, I have plans to redo the shots I was excited for, so keep your eyes peeled.

Anyways, here's some Brendo from last weekend.

Hope you're all having a great Saturday night!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 163- Friday, August 21 2009

Day 163:


Sailing.... is not as fun as you think.
When you are prone to waves of nausea.

Heh heh, it was a really awesome experience but I spent the majority of the adventure feeling pretty close to honking over the side of the boat. Totally lame, as I'm not really the sea sick type. I don't really know where that all came from.

Really, it was super fun, and totally exciting, and once I got the hang of shooting with so much motion, I got some decent shots. At first, it was kind of hilarious. Just imagine "Angry Mobster #2" from your favorite shoot'em up movie. You know how he runs in the room and thinks he can fire his obscenely large machine gun with the precision and control of Rambo, but instead just sprays the room willie nilly with bullets. That was pretty much me at first with the 200mm lens on. Pretty amusing.

Soooo, yeah, other than that, it's been a nice night downtown. I think I'm heading over to the Humber Lakeshore campus to shoot the grounds. Hope you all had a nice evening!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 162- Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 162:

I am so very pleased with this. Tonight was a really, really awesome night. I planned on getting a huge chunk of content for my website prepared and organized, but the lightning had other plans for me. For about two full hours, I couldn't get away from the camera. I don't think I've ever seen so much lightning in my life; that Lykke Li concert happened to fall on the night the other week when Toronto got that zillion and a half strikes.

Anyways, I spent the evening running the camera back and forth through my apartment, from the balcony to different windows depending on where the lightning was striking most. Shooting on an interval timer, I captured about six hundred frames - only about 20 of which have clear strikes.

Man, I wish this happened more often. Shooting lightning is hard, and I want more practice.

Anyways, I'm super stoked for tomorrow. I'm goin' sailing!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 161- Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 161:

Well hello there. This'll be the last post from the Lykke Li film for a while. I'm really excited to get a bunch more rolls back this weekend; I can't wait to see the film from last weekend with Janny, Em and Brenden.

Anyways, I should be getting to bed. Much work to do tomorrow. Friday I'll be down at the Humber Sailing Club to see what they do. I'm looking forward to getting some amazing shots! I hope the weather's good!

So, until tomorrow friends, be cool!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 160- Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 160:

Here's some Miike Snow. Another image from my finally-scanned film. I'm pretty happy to finally see what was on there. I don't have the whole roll scanned yet, and I will probably wait until the weekend to get it done, but at least my curiosity has been satisfied.

Anyways, it's been a pretty busy evening and I'm pooped.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 159- Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 159:

More Lykke Li!

Today was pretty whack - we got sent home early because of the heat, so I biked to the Japan Camera at Woodbine to get my finally-developed, mystical "other roll" of 35 from Lykke Li scanned. However, the slimey, yellow, highway robber of a clerk wanted to charge me $16.00 plus tax just to scan my bloody film and give me a cd. For those of you who don't often take film to a lab to be scanned, that is a hugely obscene price. I was actually too flabbergasted to even tell the guy he was an idiot; I just left.

So, I went over to Fortino's because, Lord, they're going to ask a fair price. However, Fortino's being Fortino's, the lady didn't know anything but the "for Dummies" operation of the equipment, and couldn't scan pro film in her machine. Stupid "consumer only" bullsparkles... it turns out, you can scan pro film if you just know how to read the instruction manual, heh heh.

So anyways, I wasted all the extra time I got today, and went home defeated. However, I wasn't ready to really give up. So, I borrowed my room mate's printer+scanner thinger and gave that a shot.

Of course, to my surprise, it actually gave pretty okay results. I'm still going to get the film scanned at the totally sane and reasonable lab in Georgetown, but I just couldn't wait that long to get at least a few shots. I'm glad to see that a few turned out.


Alright friends, well, it's been a slice. Hope you all had a nice day in the heat. Take it easy and keep cool!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 158- Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 158:

It has been a pretty fantastic weekend, I must admit. I really missed my pals.

Anyways, I'm pretty frustrated because I spent over an hour on one of my MacGyver setups, only to fail miserably. I was trying to photograph film negatives because I don't have a scanner and it just did not fly. I know it can be done, but I was really suckin' it up. Either way, I'm dying to see these shots so I'll have to go to Japan Camera at Woodbine tomorrow and see if they'll scan them for me.

I shot 3 or 4 more rolls this weekend too so I will have plenty more coming. Wooo.

Goodnight friends.

Ps - the photo is from the trip to the Niagara School of Horticulture the other week. This was out in the gardens. What a neat little guy eh?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 157- Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 157:

Here we are, being amazing as always. My frienditos.

This shot was sort of a collaborative effort; by that I mean, I set up the camera, focused it and set the self timer, and they all told me my focus was off. So, Janice went and reset the focus and we kept trying. But, by gar my friends, all the shots are just as soft. I feel better, heh heh.

Either way, they still turned out lovely. I don't really have much to show today in terms of digital. Every chance I've had lately, I've shot film over digital, so my image pool isn't as readily available.

Buuut, the first chance I get, I'm going to buy the necessary equipment for a small B&W developing setup. It only costs about $70.00 to get the basics, but that'll save me a butt-load in lab fees! And I'll be able to turn my shots around a LOT faster. I'm stoked. Woo!

Okay, well today has been a wicked sweet day. We had homemade waffles for breakfast, biked to a waterfall under a bridge in the middle of Brampton for a photojam, bussed it to T.O to go see a poetry slam, and finished off the night with Japanese food and Jurasic Park II (Du DAH DU DAAAHH, da da DA da da da DAAAAA..... you know what I'm talkin about *wink*).

I can't think of a better day.

To Janice, Bren, Em: Love love love.

And all you other cats, keep on being rad.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 156- Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 156:

Oooh boy, long day, great day.

I developed my other Lykke Li/Miike Snow film! All by myself too! Brenden showed me how to crack a roll of 35mm, load it into the tank and develop it. ALL BY MYSELF! Heh heh, I feel like a big boy now.

But seriously, that's a damn useful skill. I can shoot true black and white and develop it all in one go if I'm so inclined. All I need is a good scanner and I've got the whole process under my belt.

Anyone wanna pitch for a scanner?

Alright folks, tonight's been awesome. Emilie and Janice met me at the school and we headed to Brenden's - we took fun photos in the backyard (film), biked (on a sweet old racing bike) to the LCBO, and came back and ate an incredible dinner (cooked by Bren - look into Paneer cheese people)....

Woooh, okay, sleep now.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 155- Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 155:

Well, here's a nature post.

I don't feel super confident with nature photography, but I like this. I think I just have a lot to learn as the obstacles and techniques to overcome them are very different... A good ring-flash would be fun and helpful too I think.

Anyways, I'm pretty beat, and tomorrow, Emilie and Janice are coming so we can head over to Brenden's for "Meet The Family: Brampton Edition". I'm super stoked. And, hopefully Bren and I can develop my other roll of 35 from Lykke Li. I'm desperately hoping there are some more good shots on it, as well as good Miike Snow shots. Can't wait!!!

Until tomorrow friends,


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 154- Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 154:

Maybe they didn't like getting their picture taken...

Or maybe she was like, "Wtf mate?"

Either way, good times. More of this to come if I can help it.

I'm pretty tired though. Think I officially got to work on editing the first photos from the Humber gig. I hate "workflow" planning... not cool. Or rather, I like MY workflow, and I don't like how Lightroom messes with that. Sigh....

Goodnight folks

Ps. The film is Kodak Portra 800

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 153- Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 153:

On Sunday, Em and I went for a walk, and I suggested Dundas Square. However, I fully had no intention of shooting touristy crap. Rather, I wanted to shoot the tourists! [and shoppers].

I parked myself right at the edge of the crosswalk, letting the red lights herd up crowds, and shot them as they came through. Hundreds of people forced to walk right into my path... it's perfect! I plan on doing this a ton more too, maybe as a project. Mega-stoked!!!

I'm totally bushed though; I think I'll go to bed.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 152- Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 152:

UPDATE: I added a second photo to the post from last night. I was super frustrated by a photoshop problem and just didn't have the gumption to put together what I'd envisioned. So here it is.

Lykke Li-facemelts.

This is Fujipress 1600 iso colour film. I shot a roll of TMax 3200 B&W too but I won't have that developed for a few days. I'm expecting to get some better shots from that roll, plus it's got shots from Miike Snow's super dope set. Anyways, this is my favorite shot from this roll though.

I think I figured out my original photoshop problem too, so woo.

Hope you like it.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 151- Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 151:

Holy holy butts... Tonight I went to see Lykke Li at Sound Academy. Opening for her were Katie Stelmanis and her band, and Miike Snow. I am at a complete loss for words... tonight was incredible.

Anyways, I shot two rolls of film at the show, plus a roll I shot standing in Dundas square as pedestrians streamed through the intersection (that one will be dope). I'll get it all developed as soon as possible; I may die if I don't get these photos soon.

So yeah, tonight was pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread. Total dance party... sigh.

I'm really sad now. (How do you go back to normal life?)

Okay, so enough of my raving - here's the shot; from last weekend in Sunderland.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 150- Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 150:

...and here's another!

I'm totally digging the shots from yesterday so you might get a few more before I move on to something else.

Man, I'm gonna have to go back some time, hopefully when it's not so busy.

Anyways, until tomorrow friends,


Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 149- Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 149:

Today has been a good day. We left early this morning for Niagara and got there around 10:30. We hit the Butterfly Conservatory and the Niagara School of Horticulture gardens.

I have to say, I'm not super confident in my skills as a nature photographer, but after looking at my shots, I'm feeling better. The Butterfly Conservatory was incredible; great shots everywhere!

So here's your shot. Many more are on the way.

Hope you're all having a good Friday night!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 148- Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 148:

Well, you can have all the plans in the world but if you fall asleep on the bedroom floor for 2 hours, good luck to you.

It's been a long day, and I've started shooting the Humber job. I'm not fully prepared to start yet though, and sleeping this evening doesn't help. Sigh... here we go.

Tomorrow we're heading to the Niagara School of Horticulture for a work trip. It should be a good opportunity for photos and I might even shoot my roll of Kodachrome... (smile).

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 147- Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 147:

Yay, a current shot!

I thought maybe I should shoot something new for today. I'm lovin the new polarizing filter with the wide angle. Anyways, I'm really late for bed; I've been super busy tonight. I think I have all my business's immediate document design needs satisfied. Invoices, business cards and model releases, all finished. Now I just need to print the stuff.

Anyways, more tomorrow!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 146- Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 146:

Mmmm, film grain. Fat, 1600 ISO colour film grain. Tasty.

This is from sometime two weekends ago. I had to fiddle around to get the soft focus right but this is my homage to the work of Sarah Moon.

Sigh, why is film slowly dying as my passion for it awakens more each day?

... and other unanswerable questions, found only here at 365! Join us next week!

Until tomorrow friends,


Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 145- Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 145:

So, this was supposed to be my post from yesterday. I shot this in the early evening before dinner at Em's mum's place. However, I just couldn't get the editing right, so I put it off. Again tonight, it took me a damn while before I was happy with it.

Anyways, there it is. I hope you all had a good long weekend!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 144- Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 144:

Fuji Press 1600, the side of a Starbucks, Toronto.

I've been in Sunderland most of the day. I shot some wicked stuff but just wasn't happy with my photoshop results. I'll take another crack at it tomorrow when I've got more free time.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 143- Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 143:

This is G. G is having a good time.

I shot this film at Christian's birthday party last weekend. It was a pretty good time, I must say. The film didn't come out with the greatest results but I got a few good shots. After discussing the scans with Emilie, it may be possible that the lab just scanned the film poorly, so I have hope that these shots turned out better than they look now. I'll find out in September when I get back to school.

Anyways, I'm off to bed.

Night friends,
