Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 354: Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 354:

Props for this actually go to Gabby Graham for holding the camera while I was driving. I set everything up and just told her to go nuts with the pictures. We had a funny drive home (to her home... when I was driving her home... last night... you get it...) with cameras. I actually just brought the DSLR to get a good exposure for my Yashica. That's where the fun started. Trying to teach someone how to use a manual twin lens camera from 1957 while driving in bad weather at 2am is just.... not something you do. So, we pulled over. Ha. My parents were probably getting ready to mentally strangle me.

Anyways, I finished that roll of film this afternoon and maaaay develop it tonight before bed. I'm stoked for the weird pictures we took.

Also, Gabby informed me that she "hasn't ever read a...."BLOG".... and doesn't really give a #%@$", or something to that effect, so, hopefully by showcasing her dazzling talents here, I can drag her into following. Sadly, ironically, right at the END of my project too. God, when I think about it, she is just such a big bi.... wait! Never mind! Ha. I'm kidding. Gabby is swell!


It's a real shame though; I wasn't in the same room as my parents watching today's EPIC Mens's Hockey win - did I REALLY need to specify which epic win? Probably not - over the US or I could have gotten some really awesome pictures of my mom freaking out. But sweet merciful god that game was good!

....and terrible.... 24 seconds COME ON!

Okay, so that's enough for tonight. I'm getting sick, so I need my sleep.

Love Love Love!

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