Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 85- Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 85:

Well Ladies and Gents, that finishes off Week 12! Say hello to Week 13!

This shot is from my Niagara trip from two weekends ago; I couldn't resist. There are so many sweet shots from the trip, so it's nice that I've been too busy to shoot anything these last few evenings. With a few minor bugs to sort out for The Compound's cd design though, and a final approval from them, we're going to get it all sent off at the beginning of next week. Once that job is finished, I'll definitely have some more spare time after work again - it'll be nice to be able to come home and relax, or go out and shoot something!

Anyways, this photo sums up a whole lot of the vague but grandiose, nostalgia-inducing, feelings I have towards summer days with friends. I don't really have a lot of memories of adventures like this from my teen years - I spent those years being a hermit and a shut in... among other things...

So yeah, it's really nice to finally have these experiences. I hope that this is the first of many!

Anyways, I'm late for bed again. Goodnight friends!

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