Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 55- Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 55:

Okay, so day 2 of the new job! Today was so nice; we spent all morning taking deer fence down from around "the garden of the rising moon"... man, I love the intense nerdliness of the naming - so epic. In truth, one of these gardens should really be named "the garden of the drunken frat boy" seeing as it is the college arboretum. 

After lunch, I worked with this dude to build up the ground around a new-ish bridge. I spent most of the afternoon driving the Gator (one of these bad boys) back and forth, hauling loads of soil over, dumping it and packing it down, etc etc. 

So yeah, anyways, I'm really tired again. I'm already loving the new schedule I'm on. Passing out by 10 pm is amaaazing. I hope the weather is better later on this week [it's supposed to rain tomorrow] 'cause I want to do some shooting in my new place of employment. 

Anyways, that's all for now. See yah folks! <3

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