Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 194- Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 194:

The Trifecta of Power:
Nikon FE SLR
Yashica C TLR
Kodak Retina Ia Rangefinder
(Yes.... I am a nerd)

I've been meaning to take a photo of the camera that started my film experience (the FE) for a while, so it's nice to finally do that. I got the Retina from my grandfather a few weeks ago and this weekend, I picked up the Yashica from Halton Camera Exchange in Georgetown.

I'm pretty stoked about it - I just need to get my butt in gear and build a home darkroom setup for B&W film.

Anyways, today was really productive. I took a trip back to 1841 and made my first Calotype or 'Salted Print' at school, a process invented by William Fox Talbot. Contact printing is very cool; I could see myself doing a lot of these 'alternative processes' if in the future I built them into my workflow. It would be a wonderful and unique service to offer!

(And playing around with chemicals in a lab coat is pretty much the sweetest job ever. Science rules!)

Hopefully I can share some of those images soon. Until then, be well.


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