Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 199- Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 199:

It has been a lazy day. I spent most of it just feeling tired and sluggish from last night but I managed to get a failed photoshoot for tomorrow back on track. I'll be shooting my "location fashion" assignment for second year Location Lighting. Very stoked.

Anyways, this is a shot I did this week for my first assignment in Commercial Lighting. The digital Hasselblad, the power packs and the lights are all new to me, so there was a definite learning curve in terms of using the equipment. I had a pretty good time though - all four and a half hours of it, heh heh.

I also took a photo of the set up just to give you a look inside the working environment. I mentioned a long time ago in response to a blog post by Jackie Musial, that the working space itself is so extremely intertwined with the work created within, and this just gives a bit of context to that relationship.
Also, on the technical side, I really like seeing behind-the-scenes shots from photoshoots because it allows you to reverse engineer the lighting and really read the situation. You can learn so much from just seeing where lights and modifiers were placed.

So, that's that. I also really wanted to share this because there's a nice nostalgia and family connection here. The photo album is a collection of old family photos (I'm thinking from the late 70's) from my mum's side and the camera and light-meter there belonged to my Granddad. I hope they like it.

Anyways, I'm about to fall face first into my laptop.

More tomorrow!


Ps. For film nerds, there's a logic/"continuity" error in the assignment shot. Do you see?

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