Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 14- Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 14:

So tonight, I shot Connor for my Annie Leibovitz assignment. It was pretty gall dern awesome but he won't let me post the photos - he thinks the shots are too gay. I on the other hand think that any dude who's willing to wear a "shirt" made of pink, heart shaped post it notes, and look as badass as he did, is NOT gay. And anyway, what's wrong with being gay? ...

So, it was late by the time I came to do my daily photo, and I was pretty empty in the ideas department. After running frantically around my place looking for interesting stuff to shoot, I decided to find a way to shoot my own eyeball. So yeah, that's me, my eyeball, self portrait # 2. In the process I actually discovered a 100 % reliable technique for autofocusing on your own eyeball. It was a simple but neat discovery. Eureka! 

Notice the hands holding the camera...

Enjoy, love love love.

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