Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 8- Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 8:

So Week 2 eh? Wicked! I'm so tired though. Today was pretty busy - class, printing, tutoring in the Writing Center, more printing... It's 7:30pm I think I've eaten like, a bagel, an orange, some yogurt and some chips today.... Healthy, non? 

Anyways, here it is. Day 8! Week 2! Now I'm off t-!*face smashes keyboard* ZZZZzzzzzz..........

PS - For the person who can tell me what book that is [without Googling, you sneaky technosapiens], I'll do something totally wonderful. I know that's vague but I'm sure it will involve a super cool photograph; maybe I'll make you a print of something you hold close to your heart. Maybe a relative? No dead ones though. The whole graveyard, dark-of-the-moon digging scene really skeeves me out. 
So are we like a couple of Fonzees then?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to take a gander and say this (book) is fear and loathing in las vegas... (and no i did not google it.. ive read the book and im taking a guess.) lol

Holly Gardiner (so you know who got it right if i did)