Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 17- Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 17:

Okay so I'm pretty sure the new thing is gonna be "late night posts on weekends"....
It's 2:56 am, now officially Sunday, but here is the Saturday post. I did SHOOT it at 10 pm tonight/last night [depending on how technical you get about it] so it's all kosher. 

I wasn't super stoked on how the shots came out overall (I still have a lot to learn about getting the most out of long exposure + low light situations). I drove out to the clay hills around 10, having all these cool ideas in my head. However, things hardly ever turn out the way you see them right? So it was cold and creepy, and rather than plan out the flash to ambient exposure ratios like a smart photographer would do, I just sorta jumped in and messed around. One thing I have to say is this: I AM SICK OF 30 second exposures! I don't want to mess with the bulb or 250x settings or whatever it's called because I don't want to have to keep my finger on the shutter release for 5 minutes. I want a damn shutter cable REALLY badly. Being constrained by a max of 30 seconds is starting to drive me batty!

All that being said, I think I'm happy with this. When I complain about not being satisfied etc etc, it's often just with the effort involved and mostly my level of preparedness. I feel that if I had just that extra bit of experience and that one tool I'm missing to do something the right way, I'd come away with much more satisfying results. However, I'm learning a ton and having a good time, and I'm definitely learning constantly how to make do with what I've got. 

Anyways, here you are, really late, Saturday's shot. 

Be cool!

1 comment:

Natalia Buia said...

Hey, that turned out pretty decent. A for effort!