Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 157- Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 157:

Here we are, being amazing as always. My frienditos.

This shot was sort of a collaborative effort; by that I mean, I set up the camera, focused it and set the self timer, and they all told me my focus was off. So, Janice went and reset the focus and we kept trying. But, by gar my friends, all the shots are just as soft. I feel better, heh heh.

Either way, they still turned out lovely. I don't really have much to show today in terms of digital. Every chance I've had lately, I've shot film over digital, so my image pool isn't as readily available.

Buuut, the first chance I get, I'm going to buy the necessary equipment for a small B&W developing setup. It only costs about $70.00 to get the basics, but that'll save me a butt-load in lab fees! And I'll be able to turn my shots around a LOT faster. I'm stoked. Woo!

Okay, well today has been a wicked sweet day. We had homemade waffles for breakfast, biked to a waterfall under a bridge in the middle of Brampton for a photojam, bussed it to T.O to go see a poetry slam, and finished off the night with Japanese food and Jurasic Park II (Du DAH DU DAAAHH, da da DA da da da DAAAAA..... you know what I'm talkin about *wink*).

I can't think of a better day.

To Janice, Bren, Em: Love love love.

And all you other cats, keep on being rad.


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