Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 169- Thursday, August 27 2009

Day 169:

First of all, thank you Lucas Allen - huge props to you my friend.

I was in the arboretum after work today doing some more photos for Humber when Lucas (a co-worker of mine) came walking through with his parents. At the time, I was waiting for some birds to come back to play in a small ornamental stream in the Garden of the Rising Moon. Lucas shouted over that I should come see a couple of dragonflies mating. I told him 'no thanks, I'm good where I am', and then a moment later, he insisted, "Dude, they're not mating, one is eating the other one!"

So, I decided it might be worth a look. As you can see, it really was. I'm pretty darned happy with this, and have found further proof that the Sigma 105mm f2.8 macro I bought a few years ago was worth every penny.

By the way, I watched that dragonfly eat it's meal (the other dragonfly) from start to finish. gross!

So, enjoy.

I'm off to bed.

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