Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 168- Wednesday, August 26 2009

Day 168:

Okay so I didn't get to the last of the Emilie series from the weekend. Instead though, I've got something from today. I took the morning off work to go over to shoot the motorcycle training on campus. It was a lot better than sailing; the ground I'm standing on doesn't pitch up and down while I'm shooting.

Anyways, today's been swell. Tomorrow shall be sweller. I'll try and get the last set of photos with Emilie posted but I have a feeling it might be a few days before I get to them.

Goodnight friends.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Ooo.. I like. I'm sure Jeronimo will like it too. You'd probably get a 80% from him, while other people with blurry panning shots get higher. Yes... I'm still bitter about that stupid assignment. Hahaa!