Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 22- Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 22:


I'm so excited to make it a month! So anyways, this shot is a photo of a photo [ + Sharpie and typewritten word]. The "scene" you're seeing is not a photograph of mine. The shot is actually a Converse ad from American Vogue. I've always had a bit of a hate on for Chucks and something about this shot really grabbed me in a love/hate sort of way. I mean, the shot itself is pretty awesome, the guy in the shot is handsome and the image of male indie perfection, and it's overall an effective ad. However, that's ALSO what makes me hate it. I often wish advertisers would abandon the commercial machine and get their butts into the fine art world. Seriously! Advertisers are some of the smartest dang artists out there! 

But, I think that statement is definitely opening a can of worms that I don't feel like debating. I don't REALLY think that all advertisers should flood the fine art scene; it's just, a thought. 

Anyways, several months ago, I decided to do a little "art project"/decorating in my room. I photocopied this ad and took a Sharpie to it and then ran it through my typewrite (as seen in Day 9's post). As you can see in Day 10's photo, I plastered a corner of my wall in this thing... It's rad. I plan on taking some detail shots further in the future to share. It'll be a recurring motif here at Le Project. 

Anyways, it's late, I need my sleep. Goodnight people!

Ps - Thanks for following this far!!!!

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