Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 21- Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 21:

Here's today's shot. I was feeling like some abstract whackness needed to be on the menu, so here it is. 

I think I'm getting sick. I feel pretty gnarly and my right ear is completely and totally plugged. Gross.

More importantly, I just read (from sources which have yet to be confirmed) that my laptop is going to cost NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS to buy out at the end of this school year!!! I was under the impression that it would be three hundred. I honestly don't even know if I can afford to own a computer for my 4 months of summer. This of course means no Project 365 for 4 months and no SHOOTING for 4 months. Pretty unacceptable right? 

So my plea is this: Everyone please send good, incredible, positive vibes out into the universe for me and just generally wish me well. I really don't want this project to fall on its ass and I can't even fathom not being able to shoot for 4 months. 

That being said, hope you're all well.


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