Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 28- Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 28:

SO! I had big dreams of posting something very special tonight, but alas, I don't think it's in the cards. It's getting late and I'm running on four hours of sleep from yesterday. I was at school till almost 9 pm and I just need a break. So I'm going to pull a harmless little cheat again. This photo is from Monday, and the reason I say "harmless", is because it was SUPPOSED to be the daily photo for that day. But, of course, Bill Nye had to get all up in our hood and steal the show. That is actually one thing I've been wanting to mention: Rules!

I said I would SHOOT and POST a photo every day. I really meant that I wanted to shoot a photo ON the day, and post it THAT day. However, what happens if I shoot two different but equally "kinda awesome" (thank you Brenden) shots in one day? Or, what if I intend to use something for a daily photo and then use something else as in Monday's post?

Now really, these are rhetorical questions. This is my blog damnit! Mwaha! I can do what I please!.... But I FEEL kind of like a cheater when I do this. So, as a personal promise to myself, I will try not to use shots from other days too often. Sometimes it just needs to happen, because honestly, I need a break some days. THAT actually leads me to another thought that had been crossing my mind. It goes a little something like this:

I am a creative person and I NEED to do creative, expressive things to stay sane. I get really, REALLY depressed and disappointed with myself when I'm not putting in effort to create things. So, for example, I started this project. However, and not to be a total wishy-washy cry baby, but on the flip side, constant work at creative endeavors is exhausting. Some days lately, I've felt totally and completely pooched. Further-however... SO FAR, I've been loving the stress. It's a good hurt. No pain no gain right? So my point is, all that considered, bottom line, there is or will be a point for every person where passion becomes unreasonable, a point where it takes over and becomes an addiction or an obsession or a burden. I'm not saying I'm feeling that at all. I'm not saying I regret taking on this project, but I do accept the reality that that might happen. Obviously it's scary because, I'm doing this for me and I would feel like I'm letting myself down. I guess, I'm really just discussing that fine line between an avenue for exploration and catharsis, and an activity which becomes incredibly consuming...... (I shall call it Hobby Cancer!)

Cool.... so wow. I know that these posts have turned into novels lately but deal with it; I write too!

Enjoy for now and I will have a very special post for my one month monthiversary!


1 comment:

Natalia Buia said...

girl got some styyyyyle, yo!