Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 35- Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 35:

Old School vs. New Age - A Friendly Time Warp - Nostalgiagraphy....

This shot makes me smile. On the left you've got Ryan, a second year student at Humber and the funniest guy you'll ever talk to after he's had a few coffees. That hand cannon he's got is a nearly-brand-new, 39 megapixel Hasselblad 645 camera. It costs something in the neighborhood of $20,000 and the school just bought about 20 of them. Let's just say I dig Humber college. They'll be the standard commercial studio camera for next year and I often go to bed drooling at the thought. 
On the right, we see Brenden, holding a Yashica Twin Lens Reflex camera that was designed sometime around 1960. It's a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL camera, and for enthusiasts and film lovers, dear god, get one! They're quiet, super fun and super stylin'.
Anyways, Brenden told me that Ryan was going to shoot him for some portfolio work or something this morning, and I walked into the studio to see the two guys with their cameras out. It was such a cute combination, but seriously, you cannot underestimate the Yashica. Old cameras are still way cool and produce beautiful images LIKE THIS ONE! [Shot by Brenden]
If you can teach me how to get that contrast and quality in a digital photograph, I'll kiss you and give you a bag of wizard gold!

So yeah, respect had to be paid to the sexy gear. I can't wait to get my hands on the Hassie's next year and I can't wait till I can afford a solid, old, film camera. 

Hope you guys are well! I'm obviously up way too late but such is life. 



mowzie said...

I feel compelled to include a disclaimer about the disappearing nature of wizard gold.

Also, is being nerdy and adorable requisite for being accepted to Humber photography? Gosh.

mowzie said...

Wait, that's leprechaun gold! I'm fully re-reading HP too.

mowzie said...

Do you think the words they make you type before your comments will post are ever real? I just had 'froll' and 'caded', which sound almost like they could be.