Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 45- Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 45:

Holy, holy butts. Tonight was incredible. I'm going to come back and write more about this soon.

Update - I'm really, really sad; I'd been trying pretty much since I bought my ticket to find out if I could bring a camera inside the Mod Club. I don't have much experience with clubs and shooting bands and stuff, so I tried and tried to make sure I'd be able to get through the door. In the end, I couldn't get a hold of anyone at the club so I just left my camera at home. Of course, a bunch of other people were there with DSLR's so, I blew it. Anyways, I want to include a photo from the set, whether it's mine or not. Gary Mo, whoever you are, thanks. You are a lucky/smart dog.

This woman is ******* unbelievable! I'm not even lying when I say this: she is better live than recorded... I'm not exaggerating IN THE LEAST. It's actually something that's made me depressed ever since I realized it. ... 

... So I'm kind of sad about the whole experience.... The most beautiful things are actually totally heartbreaking - nothing good lasts forever...

1 comment:

Drake said...

yo chris i love the mod club
i got kicked out last time i was there
somthing about being 17 at the time
was kinda drunk and only half listening